Sequential Lot Line Adjustments Allow Flexibility

As part of its real estate services, the law office of Laquer Urban Clifford & Hodge, LLP offers clients assistance in lot line adjustments. The attorneys at Laquer Urban Clifford & Hodge, LLP understand that seeking multiple lot line adjustments involves significant paperwork and time, but can avoid the hassle associated with creating a subdivision while achieving the same ends of reestablishing boundary lines within a property.

Traditionally, a lot line adjustment can be used where no more than four adjoining parcels are involved. These four pieces can be merged to a smaller number of lots, or the boundaries between the four can be redefined or the pieces reshaped.

A recent ruling by the California Courts of Appeal upheld the process of sequential lot line adjustments. In municipalities where it is permitted, real estate owners and developers can now apply for multiple lot line adjustments, as long as each application only involves four parcels and any subsequent applications are not submitted until the prior has been approved and finalized.

Laquer Urban Clifford & Hodge, LLP